The Oxkart took me about 20 hours to print broken up in 3 sheets and there were no print failures. I had to use a light coat of hair spray to get the treads to print. Everything assembled as described in the instructions. Very little glue was needed. The only difficulties were with the main gun. I had to sand down the connection to the get the barrel fitted to the chamber (OXT3 to OXT2) and fitting the chamber to the turret (OXT2 to OXT1) was really difficult! I think I would bevel the mount of the turret a little to help get it seated a little easier, but once in it fits well and rotates. Overall, I like the model and am looking forward to painting the tank soon. I would love to see a few variations of the tank in the future. Specifically remove the 'engine exhaust' opposite of the chain gun mount and convert it into another gun mount. Then you could do an anti-aircraft version with chain guns on each side. Design new OXT2 and OXT3 pieces for a radar mount and swap the missile launcher with a spotlight or comm array. different main guns and sponson guns would be fairly simple conversions. Again, very nice design, AND printed with no supports! The design efforts are amazing to keep everything support free and little touches like the detail plates OXFL, OXFR, OXRL, and OXRR really highlight the thought that goes into easy to print and assemble design. Kudos to Cassidy on his artistry and overwhelming support to his backers. He could of easily made this a separate project to make more money and offering for free shows his dedication to his backers on this project and likely any future products he conceives. My only regret is not going the merchant tier when he offered it. I hope in his next Kickstarter he offers a merchant buy-in for all his work. I don't do anything retail, but I would like to have it as an option one day because his designs are so print friendly with minimal cleanup.
Ken Princen