Hi Cassidy, could you take a look at the Main_Hull_OXHM.stl: 2 of the openings for the connectors of the backplate seem to be partially blocked, I marked the spot on one dissasembled part in the slicer, I think this triangle has no purpose and will just block it or not print at all and mess up your print like it did with mine. Left and right side have the same problem. Thanks for checking and thanks for the Tank, it looks awesome (just wondering how hard it will be to paint the inside^^) Best Regards, Ricky

Thanks for the fast reply, and yes, you are right, its gone after slicing (Bambu Slicer, maybe I will also try it in Orca). Couldn't see it before because of the supports at that point.. I just suspected it was the culprit for my partially failed print.. But now that I tried it again, I found out that the hull is not really flat on the build plate, or better said it has two different heights. I changed it slightly to sit onto the bigger surface and now less supports seems necessary and therefore I hope it will print better this time :)
This looks like a geometry preview glitch in the slicer software. When you slice it is the triangle still there? Also what slicer are you using? I don't expect it to cause problems as we've tested on multiple printers but I'd like to be sure before you do!
Painting will be tough for sure, might be a job for a multi color printer for some good detail!